Community Energy Journey

Welcome to the SP Energy Networks Community Energy Journey:

If you are currently planning a community energy project, then we can help. Simply follow the below step by step decision making system, no matter what stage you at with your journey so far. These resources are produced to help you, from your feasability study to getting connected on our network, now lets get started:

Step 1

Have you engaged with your community?


Not yet

Step 2

Have you researched your project?


Not yet

Step 3

Is your project feasible?


Not yet

Step 4

Do you need Technical Assistance?


Not yet

Step 5

Have you sourced Financial Support?


Not yet

Step 6

You are ready to make a connection!

Connection Checklist Video

Are you ready to make a connection?

Apply to make a connection by clicking on the link below:

Connections Supporting Documents

Here are some PDF documents that you can download to support your community energy journey:

Getting Started
black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile
Step by Step Community Energy Journey
How to get connected


Here are a range of educational videos to help you along with your Community Energy Journey

Case Study 1: Aston Hayes Community Group (Solar PV)

Case Study 2: Ynni Ogwen (Hydro Electric + Community Benefit Projects)

Case Study 3: Edinburgh Community Solar Co-Op (Solar PV)